Monday 12 January 2015

My father scolded Wanlov and I over “Uncle Obama” - Deborah Vanessa

Uncle Obama hitmaker Deborah Vanessa was on
e.TV’s The Late Nite Celebrity Show to talk music,
fashion and how her father, who is a reverend, is
handling all her antics.
The controversial figure revealed, her father, after
hearing her smash hit Uncle Obama called her and
her brother Wanlov to register his dissatisfaction.
“When I released the Uncle Obama song he called
my brother and me and said he wasn’t really happy
about the song so we tried to explain to him that
when a child heard it, they wouldn’t be able to
process it like an adult would. So it was one's
maturity level that will determine how deep you
could understand the lyrics because there was no
vulgar and illicit words and children are innocent to
process it to that level. So he understood and he
said next time I should try and do a different kind of
In December 2013, the designer cum songstress
walked the red carpets of Channel O with a
revealing dress and her dad registered his
disappointment once again via a long text message.
“Another thing he complained about that I remember
very well was the dress I wore to the Chanel O
awards. He wrote a very long text message –
about three paragraphs which will equal three text
telling me how he knew I was intelligent, from a
good home, well educated, and things like that and
shouldn’t be following Lady Gaga and Rihanna of the
world. And whoever asked me to wear that dress
was a hypocrite but truth of the matter is I don’t
follow or copy other people.”

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